Source code for kbtogglr._main


Contains package entry point.

import os as _os
import tempfile as _tempfile
from pathlib import Path as _Path
from subprocess import run as _run
from typing import List as _List
from typing import Optional as _Optional

import appdirs as _appdirs

_IMAGES = _Path(__file__).parent / "images"
_ON = str(_IMAGES / "on.png")
_OFF = str(_IMAGES / "off.png")
_XINPUT = "xinput"

class CommandNotFoundError(FileNotFoundError):
    """Raise if ``xinput`` has not been installed."""

class _Lock:
    """Create lock file to signal to program whether keyboard is on.

    Determine whether lock-file exists. If lock-file exists then read it
    for the path to the secured temp file, otherwise leave the value as
    None. If for some reason the path key does not exist continue, as
    this can be enabled later.

    This is intentionally ambiguous as `xinput` resets automatically
    after a reboot, as will the lock.

    :param lock_dir: Directory to search and add lock file.

    def __init__(self, lock_dir: _Path) -> None:
        self.tempfile: _Optional[_Path] = None
        self.lock_file = lock_dir / "lock"
        if self.lock_file.is_file():
            with open(self.lock_file, encoding="utf-8") as fin:
                self.tempfile = _Path(

    def acquired(self) -> bool:
        """Determine whether lock-file exists.

        :return: Return whether lock has been acquired. True or False.
        if self.tempfile is not None:
            return self.tempfile.is_file()

        return False

    def enable(self) -> None:
        """Enable lock.

        Create a new secure temp file and save the path to the lock.

        with open(self.lock_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fout:

    def disable(self) -> None:
        """Disable lock, if one exists."""
        if self.tempfile is not None:

def _get_id(value: str, output: str) -> str:
    # take the str value and parse output for its keyboard id
    for line in output.splitlines():
        if value in line:
            # iterate over the matching data and find the id declaration
            for split_line in line.split():
                if "id=" in split_line:
                    # if a declaration of the id has been found split
                    # the id from the rest of the string
                    return split_line.split("=")[1]

    # no id has been returned and the script cannot continue
    raise RuntimeError("cannot detect keyboard id")

def _xinput_list() -> str:
    # return the output of `xinput list`
    # if `FileNotFoundError` is raised, catch it and return a more
    # user-friendly `CommandNotFoundError`
        proc = _run([_XINPUT, "list"], capture_output=True, check=True)
        return proc.stdout.decode()
    except FileNotFoundError as err:
        raise CommandNotFoundError("xinput: command not found...") from err

def _get_ids() -> _List[str]:
    # capture the values of `xinput list` to find keyboard ids
    # loop over slave and master keyboards, searching for matched value
    # return replaced values with keyboard ids or raise `RuntimeError`
    patterns = "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard", "Virtual core keyboard"
    output = _xinput_list()
    return [_get_id(i, output) for i in patterns]

def _cache_dir() -> _Path:
    # create and return cache dir
    cache_dir = _Path(_appdirs.user_cache_dir(__name__))
    cache_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
    return cache_dir

def _toggle_on(slave: str, master: str) -> None:
    # run `xinput` to reattach the slave and master keyboard ids
    # send notification, including on image
    _run([_XINPUT, "reattach", slave, master], check=True)
        ["notify-send", "-i", _ON, "Enabling Keyboard...", "Connected"],

def _toggle_off(slave: str) -> None:
    # run `xinput` to detach the slave device
    # send notification, including off image
    _run([_XINPUT, "float", slave], check=True)
        ["notify-send", "-i", _OFF, "Disabling Keyboard...", "Disconnected"],

[docs]def main() -> int: """Capture ``slave`` and ``master`` keyboard IDs. Determine whether lock-file exists. Create cache directory and lock-file if it does not to signal to program that keyboard is off, otherwise assume that the keyboard is on. If the keyboard is off then the lock should be acquired. Toggle on: - Run ``xinput`` to reattach the keyboard IDs. - Send notification to desktop indicating keyboard is enabled. If the keyboard is on then the lock should not be acquired, either because the keyboard has been toggled on, or the system has been rebooted. Toggle off: - Run ``xinput`` to detach the ``slave`` ID. - Send notification, including off image. :raise CommandNotFoundError: Requirement is not installed. :raise RuntimeError: No ID has been returned and the script cannot continue. :return: Exit status. """ slave, master = _get_ids() lock = _Lock(_cache_dir()) if lock.acquired(): _toggle_on(slave, master) lock.disable() else: _toggle_off(slave) lock.enable() return 0